Management problems in cats

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‘Many behaviours shown by cats are perceived by owners as problems because they impact on their lifestyle. From the cats’ perspective, these behaviours are often either normal species behaviours or behaviours that the cat has learnt to display either to avoid a perceived threat or to achieve a valued resource. This chapter covers scratching, roaming, hiding, predatory behaviour, nocturnal activity, attention-seeking behaviour, inappropriate play, retained juvenile nursing behaviours, pica.

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9.2 Conflict between cats within a household can be one factor in causing individuals to spend prolonged periods hiding, or move away from their home. (Courtesy of A. Seawright.) Hiding is a normal coping response and provision of hiding opportunities is important in helping animals cope with, and adapt to, novel environments. Where prolonged hiding occurs, the continued source of anxiety should be investigated.
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9.3 Many are concerned by the tendency for cats to predate local wildlife, but the management of this problem without compromising the welfare of cats is challenging. (Courtesy of D. Mills.)
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9.5 A plastic bottle with holes slightly larger than kibble makes an effective puzzle feeder. (Courtesy of A. Seawright.)
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9.6 Controlled periods of playing initiated by the owner will help reduce the occurrence of attention seeking. (Courtesy of E. Blackwell.)
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