Clinical approach to conditions of the male

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There are numerous conditions of the dog and tom cat that may present without infertility. These animals may have changes in behaviour, external appearance, comfort, or in normal urination and defecation patterns. This chapter considers diseases and disorders of the scrotum; diseases and disorders of the penis and prepuce; diseases and disorders of the prostate gland; genetic and chromosomal disorders; behavioural disorders.

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Image of 20.2
20.2 Scrotum of a dog infected with . Note the enlarged testicle, epididymis and spermatic cord on the right side.
Image of 20.3
20.3 Testicular abscess. Note the multiple hypoechoic areas of fluid accumulation within the testicular parenchyma.
Image of 20.4
20.4 Cross-section of a testis showing testicular seminonas. Note the multiple small, white–tan smooth or slightly lobulated masses within the parenchyma of the testis.
Image of 20.5
20.5 Ultrasonogram showing a well delineated testicular mass in the caudal portion of the testis. Ultrasonogram showing a very large testicular mass, encompassing most of the testicular area and pushing the normal parenchyma to the cranial margin. The mass is of irregular echogenicity, probably as a result of its large size and poor blood flow.
Image of 20.6
20.6 Ultrasonogram showing the triangular hypoechoic lesion in the dorsum of the testis, radiating from the mediastinum testis towards the parietal vaginal tunic.
Image of 20.7
20.7 Balanoposthitis. Note the raised granular lesions, hyperaemia and purulent exudate over the surface of the penis. (Reproduced from Johnson ., 2001 with permission from the publisher)
Image of 20.8
20.8 Severe oedema of the preputial membrane in a dog with prolapse of the prepuce and paraphimosis.
Image of 20.9
20.9 Persistent penile frenulum in a dog.
Image of 20.10
20.10 Urethral prolapse in a Bulldog. Note the doughnut-shaped hyperaemic urethral mucosa which has prolapsed out of the urethral orifice at the end of the glans penis.
Image of 20.11
20.11 Gross specimen showing a mildly enlarged but smooth and symmetrical prostate gland immediately caudal to the urinary bladder.
Image of 20.12
20.12 Ultrasonogram showing one large and several small retention cysts within the prostate gland of a dog. Note the heterogeneity of the prostatic parenchyma, which is typical of chronic prostatitis with BPH.
Image of 20.13
20.13 Ultrasonogram showing a large paraprostatic cyst with anechoic fluid. The urinary bladder may be visible adjacent to the cyst as a crescent moon-shaped structure.
Image of 20.14
20.14 Ultrasonogram showing asymmetrical prostate gland lobes with mild heterogeneity of the prostatic parenchyma. Ultrasonogram showing a prostatic abscess. Note the large fluid-filled structure within the prostate gland. The fluid within the structure is moderately hyperechoic with flocculent material visible.
Image of 20.15
20.15 Small abdominally retained testis seen on post-mortem examination. The gubernaculum is visible attached to the caudal pole of the testis and the coiled spermatic cord and vas deferens are also clearly visible. The caudal pole of the right kidney is on the far right.
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