Management of non-obstructive idiopathic/interstitial cystitis in cats

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Lower urinary tract signs are common in pet cats. These signs include increased frequency of urination, stranguria, haematuria, vocalizing during urination and petiuria (urinating in the house outside of the cat’s litter container). These signs have a variety of causes. Urinary incontinence without urgency is not common in cats. This chapter assesses diagnosis and prognosis for successful treatment of FIC.

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28.1 Trajectory of a ‘sensitive’ individual into a ‘provocative’ environment. Starting from the top, individuals’ genes are sculpted by evolution and received from both parents, resulting in individual genetic predispositions. Which genes are read can then be determined by environmentally influenced epigenetic modulation of gene expression, in some cases resulting in individuals that are unusually sensitive to their surroundings. Most individuals are exposed to threatening ‘events’ during life, such as injury, infection or assault, and recover uneventfully. In sensitized individuals, however, the event may unmask the underlying susceptibility, and result in a variety of chronic disease problems. (Adapted from )
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28.3 ‘Barbered’ abdomen of a cat with feline interstitial cystitis.
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28.4 Some possible causes of lower urinary tract signs (LUTS) in cats after appropriate diagnostic evaluation. Imaging includes some combination of radiography, contrast urography, ultrasonography and/or uroendoscopy. Not all tests are appropriate for every cat, so diagnostic evaluations tailored to the individual cat are most likely to arrive at the correct diagnosis. TCC = transitional cell carcinoma.
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28.6 Quadratic relationship between environmental quality and health. Cats with feline interstitial cystitis (and those with Pandora syndrome) appear to tolerate a narrower range of environmental conditions than do healthy cats. For example, they may be more threatened by other cats, their owners, or features of their environment that would not adversely affect an otherwise healthy cat. (Reproduced from with permission from the )
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