Clinical conundrum
Coughing and tachypnoea in a Cocker Spaniel Dan Kenny, a surgical intern at Paragon Veterinary Referrals, invites Companion readers to consider the causes of coughing and tachypnoea in a Cocker Spaniel.
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BSAVA Companion - 2019, 9, September
2019, 9, September
JSAP Editor's Choice
JSAP Editor's choice Author BSAVAIs there reason to up the anti?; Addressing information overload
Association news Author BSAVAVetCEE recognition continues for BSAVA certificates; Congratulations Bruce!; New client information leaflets; Don’t just wing it…the new BSAVA manual answers your questions
How to…
Approach masticatory muscle atrophy Authors: Joao Frias and Colin DriverIn this article, Joao Frias and Colin Driver, from Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists, discuss the challenges in investigating a case of masticatory muscle atrophy.
BSAVA Summit
Graham Easton BSAVA Summit keynote speaker Author John BonnerGraham Easton has a voice that will be familiar to many readers who have listened to medical programmes like Case Notes on BBC Radio 4. For those who haven’t had that pleasure, they will be able to hear it in real time at the new 2-day BSAVA Summit event in December. The noted broadcaster, journalist, lecturer and practising physician, who is a keynote speaker at the event, spoke to John Bonner about the links between the worlds of human and veterinary medical practice.
BSAVA Membership Consultation
Consultation on vet nurse membership Author BSAVAIs it time to equalize BSAVA’s vet nurse and vet surgeon memberships? This would mean a change to the voting and volunteering rights for RVN members and we are interested in finding out what you think. If you would like your voice heard contact us by the end of September. Read on to find out more and join in the debate.
JSAP 60th Anniversary
JSAP the first 60 years Author BSAVAThis year the Journal of Small Animal Practice reaches, and celebrates, 60 years of publication. But how did it join the world of international scientific publications when its progenitors were a newly-founded group of practising veterinarians with almost nothing except enthusiasm in their bank? Bruce Vivash Jones explains.
JSAP 60th Anniversary
JSAP in a time of change Author Ian MellorAs JSAP has evolved over the past 60 years, so has the world of scientific journal publishing – with potentially radical developments coming over the horizon. BSAVA Head of Publishing Ian Mellor looks at some of the areas of change.
Health and well-being
Vetlife offering a lifeline Author Tricia ColvilleTricia Colville has been a trustee of Vetlife for 2 years and here she talks to Companion about the charity, what it does and what it means to her.
WSAVA Update
Shining a light on global veterinary well-being Author WSAVAOne of the flagship addresses at the 44th WSAVA World Congress held in Toronto, Canada in July 2019, was an expert panel session to discuss the findings of the WSAVA’s Professional Wellness Group’s global study of veterinary wellness. Stress and low well-being were found to be problematic for all members of the veterinary team, with females, younger professionals and vet nurses/technicians most seriously affected.
Companion interview
Carolyne Crowe Author Carolyne CroweCarolyne Crowe is a familiar face at professional conferences in her role as a member of the Veterinary Defence Society communications and training team. She and her colleagues criss-cross the country speaking to VDS members and helping to ensure that they are mentally prepared for the challenges of practice life. Away from work, she keeps her own head in order running marathons – once completing 10 in 10 days.
CPD diary
What’s on in your area Author BSAVA EducationA calendar of forthcoming central and regional CPD events September–November 2019.
Test yourself…
Cytology quiz Author Niki SkeldonThis month Niki Skeldon of Axiom Veterinary Laboratories focuses on dermal mass cytology and poses a series of five questions.