Clinical conundrum
Consider the case of a Springer Spaniel with tetraparesis and seizures Elisa Pompermaier, a rotating intern at Northwest Veterinary Specialists, describes a case of a Springer Spaniel with tetraparesis and seizures.
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2021, 10, October
Association news Author BSAVABSAVA partners with CVS!; Joint-funded BSAVA PetSavers research grants; New client leaflets
Veterinary communities
Don't let dyslexia hold you back Author John BonnerVeterinary surgeons with dyslexia have set up an online discussion group to provide advice and support for colleagues in practice and at vet school with neurological differences. Fiona Nouri is an expert in this field having run student welfare offices at the Royal Veterinary College and other leading educational institutions. She told John Bonner how young veterinarians can be helped to deal with their difficulties in reading and processing text and why this investment of time and effort can reap huge dividends.
How to...
Treat a canine mast cell tumour – Part 1 Author Owen DaviesBased on common questions from referring vets, oncology specialist Owen Davies, from Highcroft Veterinary Referrals, presents his view on dealing with a canine mast cell tumour in this, the first part of a two-part series.
PetSavers interview
Meet the researcher Author Alexander DaviesAlexander Davies undertook a BSAVA PetSavers student research project (SRP) entitled Feline lymphoma of the nervous system: a retrospective study (2003–2018) at the Royal Veterinary College under the supervision of Elsa Beltran.
Focus on…
Creating resilient and sociable domestic pets Author Claire HargraveIn this second article in a two-part series, Claire Hargrave, an ASAB certificated clinical animal behaviourist and a member of, and honorary secretary to, the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians, explains how to help owners support the emotional and behavioural development of kittens and puppies.
How to…
Administer a blood transfusion to a dog Author Helen RooneyHelen Rooney, the Pet Blood Bank UK Training and Induction Manager, notes that the transfusion of red cell and plasma products is realistic and achievable in a general practice setting. In this article she explains the safe way of administering blood products to dogs.
Companion interview
Lavinia Economu Author Lavinia EconomuLavinia Economu was awarded the RCVS Student Community award this year for her role in setting up the student organization Animal Aspirations. This aims to promote diversity in the veterinary world by reaching out to children from groups that are under-represented in the profession.
Notes on…
Lymph node cytology in a dog Author Francesco CianThis month, Francesco Cian, of Batt Laboratories presents a clinical case where lymph node cytology was crucial to achieve a definitive diagnosis.