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Special considerations in wound management
- Author: Jacqui D. Niles
- From: BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction
- Item: Chapter 11, pp 223 - 253
- DOI: 10.22233/9781905319558.11
- Copyright: Copyright © 2017 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
- Publication Date: March 2009
This chapter considers a number of specific types of wound that may require surgical management, such as pharyngeal stick injuries, chronic draining sinuses, bullet, burn and bite wounds. It also discusses the surgical management of some specific skin conditions such as skin fold pyoderma and perianal fistulas. Causes of sinus tracts include bacterial infection, penetrating foreign bodies (e.g. plant awns, wood splinters, insect mouth parts), bone sequestra, surgical implants (e.g. sutures, meshes, orthopaedic implants) and neoplasia. Sinus tracts can occur at many locations on the body, depending on the cause, its point of entry/location and any migratory path. The interdigital spaces, ear canals, oral mucosa, conjunctiva and nares are common points of entry. All sinus tracts should be thoroughly investigated and explored surgically to determine and eliminate (if possible) the cause. It is important to develop a systematic approach to the investigation of sinus tracts. If the cause is not eliminated, the problem will recur. Chronic sinus tracts can be extremely frustrating to manage for the patient, client and veterinary surgeon, as small fragments of foreign material can be elusive and repeated surgical intervention may be required. The chapter looks at Chronic draining sinus tracts; Oropharyngeal stick injuries; Perianal fistulation (anal furunculosis); Bite wounds; Burns management; Projectile injuries; Redundant skin folds and skin fold pyoderma (intertrigo); Footpad surgery; Mammary gland surgery; and Wound bed vascular augmentation using omentum. Case examples: Management of a shotgun injury to the face. Operative techniques: Anal sacculectomy; Episioplasty; Caudectomy; Fusion podoplasty; Phalangeal fillet (Digital pad transfer); Footpad grafts; and Mastectomy.
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