Advanced anaesthesia and analgesia

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If fortunate enough to be designing a practice from scratch, the first thing to consider is the layout of space to facilitate safe anaethesia. The mortality rate in veterinary anaesthesia is much higher than in human anaesthesia and when designing a new practice it is important to look at the reasons for this, and how this situation might be improved. It is usually considered that the greatest risk of anaesthesia are during induction and recovery. The chapter considers Equipment; Scavenging; Balanced anaesthesia; Ventilators; and Aids to monitoring.

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Image of 7.2
7.2 Provision of a separate enclosed area can minimize disturbance and distress during induction.
Image of 7.3
7.3 Three wall-mounted anaesthetic machines in a busy preparation room. (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.4
7.4 The Humphrey ADE system. Without the canister and with parallel breathing tubing and reservoir bag. With soda lime canister attached. Top view. (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.7
7.7 An activated charcoal anaesthetic agent scavenger cylinder (‘Aldasorber’) with scavenging tubing attached. (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.8
7.8 An active scavenging system. (Courtesy of Coltronics Systems)
Image of 7.11
7.11 Anatomical landmarks for performing maxillary, infraorbital, inferior alveolar and mental nerve blocks in dogs. (Reproduced from the ). Drawn by S.J. Elmhurst BA Hons (www.livingart.org.uk) and are printed with her permission.
Image of 7.13
7.13 The epidural site is clipped and prepared aseptically.
Image of 7.14
7.14 Palpating the depression between L7 and S1.
Image of 7.15
7.15 Correct placement of a Tuohy needle.
Image of 7.16
7.16 Use of a low-resistance syringe to test for correct needle placement.
Image of 7.18
7.18 Peripheral nerve stimulator with needle electrodes. Placement of needle electrodes over the ulnar nerve on the medial aspect of the elbow. Stimulation of the peroneal nerve can be achieved by electrode placement over the lateral head of the fibula. Needle electrodes placed over the facial nerve as it exits the infraorbital foramen. (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.19
7.19 Four equal twitches before the onset of neuromuscular blockade. Early blockade: twitches diminishing. More profound blockade: twitches diminished or absent. (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.21
7.21 An example of an in-line bacterial filter. (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.22
7.22 Sensor of a pulse oximeter. On the tongue. On a non-pigmented toe. (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.23
7.23 Close-up of a connector for sampling gas (sidestream capnograph). (Reproduced from the )
Image of 7.24
7.24 Capnograph tracing of a normal breath.
Image of 7.25
7.25 Capnograph tracing showing rebreathing. Note that the carbon dioxide levels never return to zero (0%).
Image of 7.26
7.26 Capnograph tracing of two breaths showing a leak in the breathing system. Note the rapid fall in carbon dioxide after exhalation.
Image of 7.27
7.27 Capnograph tracing showing increased respiratory resistance. Note the slow rise in carbon dioxide during expiration.
Image of 7.28
7.28 A monitoring screen displaying respiratory gas concentrations on the left-hand side of the screen.
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