
image of Crocodilians
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This chapter provides the need-to-know information on crocodilians:

  • Biology
  • Husbandry
  • Handling and restraint
  • Diagnostic approach
  • Common conditions
  • Supportive care
  • Anaesthesia and analgesia
  • Common surgical procedures
  • Euthanasia
  • Drug formulary.

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Image of 13.1
13.1 Crocodilians are not recommended as pets. Some species that may be encountered by veterinary surgeons include: American alligator and spectacled caiman.
Image of 13.3
13.3 Lateral radiograph of a dwarf caiman. Note the presence of the osteoderms (bony plates) within the scales.
Image of 13.4
13.4 Adaptations to an aquatic life. Crocodilian nares are kept tightly closed except during inhalation and exhalation . The openings to the ears are covered by the auricular flap. The opaque third eyelid covers the eye during diving.
Image of 13.5
13.5 The oral cavity of an adult American alligator. Note: the large sharp white teeth; the gular flap at the back of the throat; the large relatively immobile tongue; and the wide powerful gape.
Image of 13.6
13.6 Crocodilians can be sexed by palpating the cloaca.
Image of 13.8
13.8 Restraint. Holding a juvenile saltwater crocodile, with jaws taped. (Courtesy of C. Johnson-Delaney.) Medium to large crocodilians may be restrained on boards with straps to allow transport and minor diagnostic procedures.
Image of 13.10
13.10 Cachexia in crocodilians is indicated by prominent supertemporal fossae , obvious pelvic bones and a narrow neck .
Image of 13.11
13.11 Blood collection from the supravertebral sinus. After disinfecting the skin, the depression behind the skull is palpated and the needle inserted in the midline and advanced until blood is aspirated.
Image of 13.12
13.12 The ventral coccygeal vessels can be accessed from the ventrolateral surface of the tail.
Image of 13.15
13.15 An oesophageal tube is used for repetitive enteral feeding and drug administration in anorectic crocodilians.
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