Laboratory evaluation of cardiac disease

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Cardiac disease is commonly encountered in small animal practice. However, deciding whether an animal’s clinical signs are due to underlying cardiac disease or another process can be difficult. The topics discussed comprise B-type natriuretic peptide, troponins, combined measurements of NT-proBNP and cTnl, monitoring of digoxin therapy, assessment of nutritional deficiencies and genetic tests. This chapter also includes case examples.

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Image of 20.3
20.3 A six-lead ECG trace from the puppy. Normal sinus complexes are visible, such as the example circled. Multiple paroxysms of wide, bizarre complexes with a rapid heart rate, consistent with ventricular tachycardia, are also seen.
Image of 20.4
20.4 Right parasternal long-axis view of the heart of the puppy. The left atrium (LA) is enlarged and the left ventricle (LV) appears dilated, while the right atrium (RA) and right ventricle (RV) are more normal in appearance. Turbulent retrograde flow across the mitral valve, consistent with regurgitation, is also visible (arrowed).
Image of 20.5
20.5 (a) Right lateral and (b) Dorsoventral views of the thorax of the cat.
Image of 20.6
20.6 (a) Right lateral and (b) Dorsoventral views of the thorax of the cat following administration of azithromycin for 10 days.
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