Preoperative assessment of the fracture patient

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Fracture management can be an exciting and rewarding veterinary discipline. However, because unrelated tissues are frequently damaged and may be of greater clinical concern, the entire patient must be suitably assessed and preoccupation with an obvious fracture, at the expense of other injuries, must be avoided. This chapter reviews thoracic and abdominal examinations; orthopaedic examination; neurological examination; imaging the fracture region; fracture patient assessment score; forming a treatment plan.

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Image of 7.1
7.1 (a) A ventrodorsal radiograph and (b) a reconstructed three-dimensional CT image showing a comminuted acetabular fracture in an 8-month-old Border Terrier. It is easier to appreciate the extent of the comminution on the reconstructed CT image.
Image of 7.2
7.2 The Fracture Patient Assessment Score (FPAS). Different factors are considered to allow formulation of a plan for fracture management. The risk of complications is shown at the top and the FPAS is shown at the bottom of the figure. Drawn by S.J. Elmhurst BA Hons (www.livingart.org.uk) and reproduced with her permission.
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