Hospitalization and basic critical care

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The first section of this chapter, on hospital setup for birds, covers emergency and hospital equipment, pharmacy, cages, biosecurity, heating, hospital treatment room setup for birds, feeding and nutrition of hospitalized birds. The second section, on emergency and critical care, covers hypothermia, fluid therapy, nutritional support, emergency medications, oxygen supplementation and air sac tube placement. The third section covers the specific emergencies of burns, oil contamination, hyperthermia, haemorrhage and animal bites, with guidance on when to perform blood transfusion and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

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Image of 11.1
11.1 Emergency presentations. Bilateral peripheral paralysis in a lorikeet with confirmed lead poisoning. Dystocia in a Monk Parakeet with a collapsed retained egg. (© Deborah Monks)
Image of 11.2
11.2 Autoclaved crop needles.
Image of 11.3
11.3 This Budgerigar is being warmed by a heat lamp placed outside the cage.
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11.4 Cockatiel in a standard bird cage placed inside a hospital cage, providing extra protection and biosecurity.
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11.5 Cage with enclosed sides and small door with removable front, suitable for Budgerigars and Cockatiels.
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11.6 Lorikeet propped up on a towel.
Image of 11.7
11.7 Small natural ‘boing’.
Image of 11.8
11.8 Tail guard on a raptor. (© John Chitty)
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11.9 Peregrine Falcon tethered and hooded on a soft perch. (Courtesy of R J Doneley)
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11.10 Cockatiel with conjunctivitis caused by infection. Green watery faeces from a bird with infection; the red area indicates that the bird may also be passing blood.
Image of 11.11
11.11 Cockatiel in a brooder.
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11.12 Appropriate examination room for birds.
Image of 11.13
11.13 Commercial insectivore food pellets.
Image of 11.14
11.14 Grevillea plant for nectar-eating birds. Melaleuca plant for native Australian species.
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11.15 Hulled seeds (left) compared with unhulled seeds (right).
Image of 11.16
11.16 Syringe infusion pumps are used to give the low and precise flow rates required for continuous intravenous fluid therapy in birds.
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11.17 Administration of oral fluids. Inserting the crop needle into the oral cavity. Injection of the fluids into the crop. Removal of the now empty crop needle.
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11.18 Administration of subcutaneous fluids.
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11.20 Wing vasculature is useful for collecting blood samples for measurement of packed cell volume and as an alternative site for fluid therapy.
Image of 11.21
11.21 Accessing the jugular vein for a bolus of intravenous fluids. Checking the needle is in the jugular vein prior to administration of the fluid bolus. Slow injection of the bolus of warmed intravenous fluids.
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11.22 Oral nutritional support being given via a crop needle.
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11.23 Temporary oxygen cage constructed using cling wrap.
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11.24 Air sac tube in place.
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11.25 Magpie covered in tar and oil. The tar and oil are removed in stages by warm bathing in dilute detergent, with the magpie under anaesthetic.
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11.26 Budgerigar with nail haemorrhage, a common clinical sign of hepatic-related coagulopathy.
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11.27 The volume of blood associated with bleeding nail tips may, on first appearance, seem to be large relative to the bird’s bodyweight. Birds can spread a small amount of blood widely in their cage.
Image of 11.28
11.28 This macaw still requires some nutritional support several weeks after severe beak trauma.
Image of 11.29
11.29 One broken feather may result in blood across the wing.
Image of 11.30
11.30 Light pressure bandage for a traumatized bleeding wing.
Image of 11.31
11.31 Blood transfusion. (Courtesy of RJ Doneley)
Image of 11.32
11.32 Head trauma following attack by a cage mate.
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