fSession 8: Internal medicine; diagnostic imaging; cardiology

- Authors: Harriet Hall, Nick Bexfield, Barbara Skelly, Alba Maldonado Moreno, Paola Monti, Marina Martín-Ambrosio Francés, Mayank Seth, Mellora Sharman, Danica Pollard, Ana Liza Ortiz, Rachel Miller, Thomas Natsiopoulos, David Walker, Bryn Jones, Josh Hardwick, Andrés Salas García, Jessica Bacon, Aida Gómez Selgas, Julia Tang, Barbara Glanemann, James Swann, Aimee Taylor, Jenny Reeve, Vicki Black, Fiona Whitworth, Lilah Moorman, Anna Müller, Anders E. Hansen, Thomas L. Andresen, Jonas R. Henriksen, Thomas Eriksen, Fintan J. McEvoy, Oliver Taylor, Rebekah Knight, Marie-Aude Genain, Laura Owen, Thom Watton, Andrew Fisher, Katarina Hazuchova, Imogen Schofield, Dave Brodbelt, Stijn Niessen, Noel Kennedy, Janine Khoo, Rebecca Geddes, Camilla Pegram, David Brodbelt, David Church, Dan O'Neill, Joao Escalda, Siddharth Sudunagunta, Hannah Hodgkiss-Geere, Nekesa Morey, Mikaela Mueller, Inigo Sanz-Gonzalez, Joanna B. Aitken, Brigite Pedro, Mike Martin, Yolanda Martinez-Pereira, Joanna Dukes-McEwan, Geoff J. Culshaw, Ana Margarida Silva, Elizabeth F. Bode, Jorge Prieto-Ramos, Rodolfo Oliveira Leal, Katarzyna Smiejan, Fabio Sarcinella and Valentina Palermo
- From: BSAVA Congress 2021: Clinical abstract presentations
- DOI: 10.22233/9781913859039.8
- Copyright: © 2021 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
- Publication Date: January 2021
Oral presentations given during the BSAVA Abstract sessions 24-26 May 2021. The use of chlorphenamine as a pretransfusion treatment in dogs: good or bad prophylaxis; Treatment response and long-term prognosis in feline precursor-targeted immune-mediated anaemia; Causes of thrombocytopenia in dogs in the UK: a retrospective study of 765 cases; Multimodal therapies in canine primary immune mediated haemolytic anaemia (PIMHA): a descriptive study; Utility of C-reactive protein as a biomarker of remission in immune-mediated polyarthritis in dogs; Ultrasound-guided placement of a near-infrared fluorescent liquid soft tissue marker for fiducial marking of regions-of-interest during surgical procedures in a dog; Sensitivity and specificity of abdominal ultrasonography for the detection of ectopic ureters in urinary incontinent dogs; Clinical presentation, computed tomographic findings, treatment and outcome of canine cutaneous lymphoma; 10 dogs; Co-morbidities associated with diabetes mellitus in Burmese cats; New ways for clinicians to view old diseases: using data clustering to classify Cushing’s syndrome; Hypothyroidism in dogs: epidemiology and clinical management in the first opinion population; Pulmonary hypertension in cats: causes and echocardiographic assessment; Development of atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia in an adult cat with cor triatriatum sinister; Predictive value of cardiac remodeling on survival in dogs with persistent atrial standstill: the UK perspective; Association between neutering status and cardiac changes secondary to myxomatous mitral valve disease; Infectious myocarditis associated with transient myocardial thickening in a domestic short hair cat positive for bartonella henselae.

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