image of BSAVA Congress 2023 award winner
  • ISSN: 2041-2487
  • E-ISSN: 2041-2495
Online Access: £ 12.50 + VAT


Greg-Lisciandro.gif  is a Texan veterinarian who has reimagined how ultrasound technology can be used as a diagnostic tool in small animal patients. For this, he received the BSAVA’s Bourgelat award – presented to colleagues who have made an outstanding international contribution to small animal practice – at the BSAVA’s annual Congress in Manchester last month. When receiving an award, it is customary for the winner to thank those who have helped them along the way. Unusually, the inspiration for Greg Lisciandro’s achievements is not a teacher or colleague but a Giant Schnauzer called Zeke.


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  • Published online : 01 Apr 2023
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