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  • ISSN: 2041-2487
  • E-ISSN: 2041-2495
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Cook-Simon.gif Cole-Laura.gif  In the first of two articles, Simon Cook and Laura Cole of the Emergency and Critical Care Department at the Royal Veterinary College, discuss how point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS) can be used to evaluate thoracic emergencies.

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VIDEO 1: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (A)

Normal B-mode 2D ultrasound clip displaying glide sign as evidence of apposition of the visceral and parietal pleura.

VIDEO 2: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (B)

Absence of a glide sign, i.e. no lateral shimmering as evidence of apposition of the two pleura, and hence supports a pneumothorax at this site.

VIDEO 3: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (C)

Small volume pleural fluid. Here you see free pleural fluid immediately cranial to the heart at the beginning of the clip, and fluid between the heart and the diagphragm at the end when the liver is in view on the left-hand side.

VIDEO 4: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (D)

B-lines are defined as hyperechoic lines originating at the PP interface, extending to the far field, obliterating the normal A-lines and moving with inspiration and expiration.

VIDEO 5: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (E)

One 'B-line' identified on thoracic POCUS of a dog without any relevant respiratory disease.

VIDEO 6: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (F)

A 'hepatized' portion of lung with a fluid-filled 'bronchogram' visualized.

VIDEO 7: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (G)

A 'hepatized' portion of lung with aerated lung distally, manifesting as a ragged, hyperechoic margin.

VIDEO 8: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (H)

Pericardial effusion in short axis from the right-hand side.

VIDEO 9: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (I)

The ultrasound beam is fanned upwards through the short axis of the heart from the right-hand side, with marker facing caudally. This clip represents the schematic from Figure 7 of this article.

VIDEO 10: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (J)

Left atrial thrombus in a cat with an aortic thromboembolism.

VIDEO 11: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (K)

A narrow left ventricular lumen, which is obliterated with every heartbeat, consistent with a hypercontractile left ventricle in a state of hypovolaemia. This is a right-sided, short-axis view as described in Figure 7 and Video 9 (part I) of the article.

VIDEO 12: Thoracic point-of-care ultrasonography (L)

Hypocontractile ventricle.

  • Published online : 01 Oct 2018
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