
image of Ehrlichiosis
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Canine ehrlichiosis (CE) is caused by Gram-negative, obligate intracellular, pleomorphic cocci of the genus was the first species recognized to infect dogs and it is the principal causative agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. This chapter considers life cycle and epidemiology; pathogenesis; clinical presentation; diagnosis; treatment; prevention and feline ehrlichiosis.

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Image of 18.3
18.3 Severe necrotic glossitis in a dog with myelosuppressive infection.
Image of 18.4
18.4 Numerous petechiae and ecchymoses in the penile mucosa of a dog with acute canine CME. The haemorrhagic lesions do not disappear on pressure (diascopy).
Image of 18.5
18.5 Mucosal pallor and petechiation in a dog with myelosuppressive CME.
Image of 18.6
18.6 Extensive haemorrhagic lesions in a dog with concurrent CME and infection.
Image of 18.7
18.7 Anterior chamber bleeding (hyphaema) in a dog with CME. (Courtesy Dr A. Komnenou)
Image of 18.8
18.8 Haematuria in a dog with chronic CME (urine sediment, objective × 40) and same dog, post mortem: several petechiae and ecchymoses in the bladder mucosa. (Courtesy Dr V. Psychas)
Image of 18.9
18.9 Anterior uveitis and necrotic scleritis in a dog with CME. (Courtesy Dr A. Komnenou)
Image of 18.10
18.10 Hypocellular bone marrow fleck secondary to chronic CME. The flecks consist mostly of fat cells, stromal and plasma cells (Giemsa, objective × 40). Normocellular bone marrow in a dog with acute CME. Several megakaryocytes are also visualized. (Giemsa, objective × 10).
Image of 18.11
18.11 morula in a monocyte of a dog with acute CME. (buffy coat, Giemsa, original magnification × 100)
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