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Management of an animal ward
- Author: Dawn Platten
- From: BSAVA Manual of Practical Animal Care
- Item: Chapter 5, pp 88 - 107
- DOI: 10.22233/9781910443057.5
- Copyright: © 2007 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
- Publication Date: January 2007
Animal wards can take many different forms. This is dependent on a number of issues. Consideration include the amount of space available; the number of animals to be housed; the type of animal to be housed in the ward; the expected length of stay of the animals; the expected medical and surgical conditions; the number of staff members who will work on the ward; and any additional equipment that will need to be stored (of particular importance for intensive care units). A hygienic environment is important in maintaining good health for animals. Standard sanitary operating procedures (SSOPs) are sets of procedures to be carried out as an area is cleaned. The objective is to achieve a standard cleaning system, which all staff will follow, and one that can be checked once completed to ensure that it reaches the required standard.
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