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Communication affects all members of the practice team. The development of communication skills is not solely the domain of the veterinary surgeon, but also applies to veterinary nurses, receptionists and practice managers. This chapters explains the principles of face-to-face communication, how to communicate with clients, the importance of communication within the practice, and external communication.

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Image of 17.1
17.1 Categorization of communication skills. These are interdependent and cannot be considered in isolation.
Image of 17.2
17.2 This guide to the veterinary consultation has been developed based on the medical Calgary–Cambridge Guide and is now used at all UK veterinary schools. (Adapted from Radford ., 2006)
Image of 17.3
17.3 The three ‘constant threads’ of a consultation.
Image of 17.5
17.5 Open to closed ‘cone’. Starting with open questions and moving towards more specific points is an efficient way of eliciting information.
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17.6 Grouping of gathered information. Information should be processed into the biomedical history, background information and the client’s ideas, concerns and expectations (ICE) for the purpose of recording and presenting a history.
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17.7 The link between compliance and concordance.
Image of 17.11
17.11 An example of an organizational communication structure within the practice. This example assumes that the owner is a veterinary surgeon.
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17.14 Experiential training in action: a simulated role play between a senior partner, a nurse and a veterinary graduate.
Image of 17.17
17.17 Illustration of the breakdown of a £120 bill to a client. ‘Finance‘ includes all financial charges including bank charges, interest, depreciation and, in some cases, loan and HP interest.
Image of 17.18
17.18 Moving annual turnover (MAT) can be analysed for a range of categories.


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