Leadership and self-management

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Good leadership provides the direction and focus that enables a business to grow and thrive around a stable core of satisfied customers and staff. This chapter considers whether practices need leaders; leadership and management; what makes a successful leader; the role and function of a leader; employing a practice manager; leading change; getting the right people; and the importance of feedback and coaching.

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18.2 The emotions involved in change. The initial emotions shown in red are ‘negative’ and serve to reduce performance. The emotions felt later, shown in green, are ‘positive’ and lead to enhanced performance.
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18.3 The change process. The chaos period can be very uncomfortable, as old behaviour patterns are (sometimes reluctantly) abandoned and new ones learnt (sometimes with difficulty).
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18.4 The situational leadership model ( ). The skill as a leader is to know how much direction and support to give an individual in any situation.
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