Managing service quality to deliver excellence

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Veterinary practice is a service industry committed to serving the needs of clients through selling veterinary services and products. This chapter highlights some of the key issues behind producing excellence in client service (with a focus on managing and delivering the supporting service), and its relationship to quality, satisfaction and profitability.

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Image of 26.1
26.1 The links in the service–profit chain. (After )
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26.2 The service experience: each arrow represents a mini-experience, and each face a human interaction.
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26.3 A consistent friendly welcome to owners and their pets makes all the difference.
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26.4 Clearing obstacles to improve the flow of a river. Process-mapping looks at obstacles and hindrances within the service process so that they can be removed or bypassed. Drawn by S.J. Elmhurst BA Hons (www.livingart.org.uk) and reproduced with her permission.
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26.5 An example of a process map for a vaccination appointment. BCS, body condition score; TPR, temperature, pulse, respiration; LN, lymph nodes.
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26.6 An example of a process map for dealing with an emergency patient with a cut paw.
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