Euthanasia: considerations for canine practice

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As a vocation, the drive for those entering the veterinary profession is to diagnose illness in animals, successfully treat them and make them well. However, in the course of their training, students become increasingly aware that this is not always possible, nor always practical for the owner. This chapter considers decision-making and consent, preparation for euthanasia, euthanasia techniques, bereavement and after euthanasia.

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7.1 Euthanasia is performed frequently by many vets in general practice. It should be remembered, however, that it is a far from common experience for most pet owners. The vet must aim to make an empathetic connection with owners, whilst offering appropriate sympathy.
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7.5 Equipment for a home visit for euthanasia, including: stretcher; pentobarbital for injection; scissors; clippers; foldable body transport carrier; muzzles; tourniquet; stethoscope; swabs with surgical spirit; sedatives; spare needles and syringes.
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7.7 A Whippet being held by a nurse for intravenous injection.
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7.8 Kübler-Ross emotions of loss.
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7.9 Examples of pet bereavement sympathy cards.
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