Situational sensitivities

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It is essential to understand the normal processes underlying the fear response in pets, in order to explain why in certain circumstances specific behaviours emerge and what the best methods are to resolve these. This chapter looks at evaluation of the patient, diagnosis, behavioural biology of the condition, treatment, prognosis, follow-up, prevention of the problem.

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16.1 Fear in cats. Fearful cat showing a typical defensive withdrawal posture. If the threatening stimulus is not withdrawn, the cat will often flee (given the opportunity). When startled, cats may adopt an aggressive posture. (Photograph: courtesy of D. Frank.)
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16.2 Fear in dogs. A fearful dog: salivation, ears pinned back against the head, and eyes wide. (Courtesy of D. Frank.) A fearful dog exhibiting hiding posture.
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16.5 A fearful dog during a clinical examination. (Courtesy of D. Groppetti.)
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