
image of Snakes
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This chapter provides the need-to-know information on snakes:

  • Biology
  • Husbandry
  • Handling and restraint
  • Diagnostic approach
  • Common conditions
  • Supportive care
  • Anaesthesia and analgesia
  • Common surgical procedures
  • Euthanasia
  • Drug formulary.

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Image of 16.1
16.1 Commonly kept pet snakes. Boa constrictor. Green tree python. Eastern garter snake. (Courtesy of J. Chuzi.)
Image of 16.3
16.3 Probing depth in this male Asian ratsnake is 10 ventral scales (*).
Image of 16.4
16.4 A vivarium suitable for a ground-dwelling snake. Drawn by S.J. Elmhurst BA Hons (www.livingart.org.uk) and reproduced with her permission.
Image of 16.5
16.5 Normal appearance of spectacle prior to shedding in a Persian ratsnake.
Image of 16.6
16.6 The preferred method for handling a snake is to control the head, whilst supporting its bodyweight.
Image of 16.8
16.8 Right lateral radiographs of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a common boa. 1 = Trachea; 2 = Heart; 3 = Lung; 4 = Spine and ribs. X = Air sac. (Reproduced from
Image of 16.9
16.9 DV radiograph of a gravid grey-banded kingsnake with three eggs.
Image of 16.10
16.10 DV radiograph of vertebral osteomyelitis in a kingsnake. Note the combination of proliferative and osteolytic changes of the spine.
Image of 16.11
16.11 Right lateral radiograph of LRI disease in a Burmese python. X = Loculated pockets of exudates in the air sac. (Reproduced from .)
Image of 16.12
16.12 Right lateral radiograph of a juvenile corn snake with an intussusception at the ileocolic junction (1) secondary to nematodiasis. Barium was administered in a retrograde fashion via the cloaca (2) and only a scant amount advanced beyond the obstruction. (Reproduced from .) Necropsy, demonstrating telescoping of the ileum (1) into colon (2).
Image of 16.13
16.13 Echocardiogram (B-mode, right long-axis view) of a normal indigo snake. AO = Right aorta; PA = Pulmonary artery; PVC = Posterior vena cava; RA = Right atrium; VC = Ventricular chamber.
Image of 16.14
16.14 Ultrasonogram of developing follicles in a Solomon Island boa.
Image of 16.15
16.15 Cloacoscopy demonstrating appearance of coprodeum and junction with rectum in a green tree python after reduction of a prolapsed cloaca. Inflammatory debris is visible at the 10 o’clock position.
Image of 16.16
16.16 Restraint with transparent plastic tubes is useful for blood collection and radiography.
Image of 16.17
16.17 Venepuncture of the ventral coccygeal vein in a milk snake. (Reproduced from .)
Image of 16.20
16.20 Paralysis and loss of righting reflex in an Amazon tree boa with IBD.
Image of 16.21
16.21 Fungal dermatitis in an Asian ratsnake with CANV infection. The section of skin has an overlying crust of cell debris, keratin and serum, supporting fungal hyphae (arrowheads). H&E stain; original magnification x40. (Courtesy of D. Reavill.)
Image of 16.22
16.22 A tick attached to the interscalar skin on a royal python. (Reproduced from .)
Image of 16.23
16.23 Embryonated ovum from an Asian ratsnake Trematode fluke egg from an Asian ratsnake Note the single operculum. oocysts from a green trinket snake.
Image of 16.24
16.24 DV radiograph of the skull of a boa constrictor with osteomyelitis of the rostral aspect of the left maxilla. Note the osteolysis and associated soft tissue swelling.
Image of 16.25
16.25 Right lateral radiograph of a constipated Burmese python that had been maintained at suboptimal temperatures. (Reproduced from .)
Image of 16.26
16.26 Cloacal prolapse in an emerald tree boa.
Image of 16.27
16.27 Hypopyon and cellulitis in a green tree python. Note the opaque appearance of the spectacle. Flushing of subspectacular space with sterile saline in an anaesthetized green tree python.
Image of 16.28
16.28 Transcutaneous aspiration of a retained egg in a pine snake.
Image of 16.29
16.29 Prolapsed hemipenis in a boa constrictor. (Reproduced from )
Image of 16.30
16.30 Second-degree burns on a royal python. The healing skin is visible during shedding.
Image of 16.31
16.31 Drainage of exudate from an infected musk gland in an indigo snake. The tail is to the left.
Image of 16.32
16.32 Subcutaneous mass on a trinket snake. Cytology of a needle aspirate demonstrating lymphoblasts. New methylene blue stain; original magnification x100 with oil immersion.
Image of 16.33
16.33 Intubated garter snake, connected to a mechanical ventilator which is utilizing isoflurane and oxygen. Note the circulating warm water pad beneath the snake.
Image of 16.34
16.34 A carbon dioxide laser has been used to incise the skin, muscle and oviduct to expose the retained eggs in a 100 flower ratsnake. Note the absence of haemorrhage when using the laser. An exposed egg is gently lifted from the oviduct.
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