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Passerine birds: investigation of flock mortality/morbidity
Passerine birds: investigation of flock mortality/morbidity
- Author: Kevin Eatwell
- From: BSAVA Manual of Raptors, Pigeons and Passerine Birds
- Item: Chapter 36, pp 370 - 376
- DOI: 10.22233/9781910443101.36
- Copyright: © 2008 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
- Publication Date: January 2008
Given the wide range of passerine species, having suitable reference texts available to allow an assessment of appropriate husbandry techniques is essential. Figure 36.1 provides a checklist of appropriate questions when taking a history and notes the potential significance of the answers given. This chapter considers clinical approach to flock mortality/morbidity, disease control and therapeutics.
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Common clinical conditions. (a) Canary with atoxoplasmosis, showing non-specific ‘fluffing’. (b) ‘Atoxoplasma’ inclusions (arrowed) within the leucocytes on a blood smear. (c) House sparrow affected with avian poxvirus (dry pox). (d) Zebra Finch with feather loss over the crown. This bird was housed with larger, more aggressive, Java Sparrows. (e) Leucocytozoonosis in an Orange-headed Thrush (note striping of muscle). (f) Sinusitis in a canary. This presentation could be due to a variety of pathogens, including Mycoplasma spp. (g) Mutation Gouldian Finch with PMV-III infection. (h) Pseudotuberculosis (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) in post-mortem image of liver. (i) Gross pathology of a crop from a Greenfinch showing caseated lesions of trichomoniasis. (a,b,g, courtesy of Alistair Lawrie; c, © Michael Lierz; e, © John Chitty; i, courtesy of B. Lawson/Zoological Society of London) © 2008 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Common clinical conditions. (a) Canary with atoxoplasmosis, showing non-specific ‘fluffing’. (b) ‘Atoxoplasma’ inclusions (arrowed) within the leucocytes on a blood smear. (c) House sparrow affected with avian poxvirus (dry pox). (d) Zebra Finch with feather loss over the crown. This bird was housed with larger, more aggressive, Java Sparrows. (e) Leucocytozoonosis in an Orange-headed Thrush (note striping of muscle). (f) Sinusitis in a canary. This presentation could be due to a variety of pathogens, including Mycoplasma spp. (g) Mutation Gouldian Finch with PMV-III infection. (h) Pseudotuberculosis (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) in post-mortem image of liver. (i) Gross pathology of a crop from a Greenfinch showing caseated lesions of trichomoniasis. (a,b,g, courtesy of Alistair Lawrie; c, © Michael Lierz; e, © John Chitty; i, courtesy of B. Lawson/Zoological Society of London)
Tracheal mites from a Gouldian Finch. (Courtesy of Alistair Lawrie) © 2008 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Tracheal mites from a Gouldian Finch. (Courtesy of Alistair Lawrie)