Removal of perineal and other skin folds

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Chronic perineal dermatitis is a common problem in pet rabbits and may be a consequence of prolonged contact with urine, caecotrophs or both. This chapter looks at chronic perineal dermatitis and dewlap surgery. : Removal of perineal skin fold and inguinal pouches; Dewlap removal.

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21.1 Some rabbits, especially loose-skinned breeds that were obese and then lost weight, can develop a large fold of skin covering the genital area. Faeces and skin debris can collect under the fold. Secondary infection and moist dermatitis develop readily.
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21.2 Rabbits have two deep hairless pouches on either side of the genital orifice that contain the inguinal scent glands.
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21.3 The inguinal pouches easily become infected, especially in rabbits with moist dermatitis in the perineal area.
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21.4 In rabbits with testicular neoplasia, removal of some scrotal skin may be necessary, in addition to castration.
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21.5 Myiasis can be a complication of skin fold infections and result in full-thickness skin loss, especially in the area between the tail and the back (arrow). In severe cases, reconstructive surgery may be required.
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21.6 In some older rabbits, the tail becomes deformed and twists to one side so the genital mound is rotated and the direction of urine flow is altered. Urine scald is the result. The same rabbit after reconstructive surgery, which can be used to correct the problem and may require tail amputation. (Courtesy of Frances Harcourt-Brown)
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21.7 The large fold of skin over the throat in some female rabbits is called a dewlap.
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